Who are we…

One, Two, Three Commitment, Team Work, Friendship, Grit, who are we…..RIGBY

Our team is made up of students from: Rigby Middle, Farnsworth, Rigby High along with Ririe Middle and High school.

Athletes are welcomed to join the summer before 6th grade. After that they can join whenever they hear about us!

“The Rigby MTB team is dedicated to helping students develop strong minds, strong bodies, and strong character while creating friendships and a lifelong love of mountain biking.”

Come find your home with us. All skill levels are welcomed. No one sits on a bench and no one is cut! 

Our History -

The RigbyMTB Club was established with Jefferson School District 251 in 2016 and participated in the Idaho League under the Idaho Falls Composite (IFC) Mountain Bike Team from 2015 through 2018.  RigbyMTB had approximately 30 students who participated as part of IFC.  In 2019, RigbyMTB established a school specific team with the Idaho League and plan to continue to expand the number of high school and middle school students participating in this fun and exciting sport.

Our main tool to communicate is through an app called TeamSnap. Once you register you will receive an invitation.